Brother VX2240 sewing machine parts
Brother VX2240 sewing machine parts are listed below.
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Fits ALL low vertical shank machines: Singer "V" low vertical, ALL "A" type, ALL "B" type. This lar..
Fits vertical low shank machines comes with instructions. This attachment offers a simple and effec..
Needle clamp sold complete ONLY. Includes: needle clamp body, thread guide, holding screw and needle..
Brother needle clamp long attachment screw #SKL-1-BC
Fits Brother models:LS1217, LS1520, LS1717, LS..
LOW VERTICAL (3/4" height of your existing resser foot). Vertical "V" screw-on/ snap-on. "A" screw..
LOW VERTICAL (3/4" height of your existing presser foot) Vertical "V" screw-on/ snap-on. "A" screw-..
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